Sweta Vadgama

"...Grief is just love, with no place to go"

Hi Friend!

I’m Sweta Vadgama, a certified Grief Recovery Method specialist here to help you heal your heart and live your best life after a loss.

Consider this your safe space.

What is Grief?

Normal & Natural

reaction to loss.

Conflicting feelings

caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern or behavior.

Did you know, there are over 40 types of Grief?

Pet Loss, Moving, Abuse, Divorce, Death, Graduation, Illnesses, Financial Loss, Incarceration, Pregnancy, Separation, Change...the list goes on and on!

100% of us will experience some type of Grief.


Heal your heart

Learn to make a series of small, positive changes in your attitude and behaviors.


Learn to validate & acknowledging your feelings related to grief/trauma by understanding they are normal and natural.

Action based

Grief Recovery Method is set up as a step-by-step process to unlock and respect the emotional experience of our grief.

What is the Grief Recovery Method?

The Grief Recovery Method (GRM) is a powerful, directed approach to healing from life’s deepest heartbreaks.

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